Friday, January 22, 2010

Saudi Arabia was one of those places that I apprehended to only read about or hear about, but things have changed. As I have been residing in Saudi Arabia, I have been able to see the other side of the world with my own eyes. Every day I am reminded that Utah is on opposite hemisphere from where I am; however, I know that I am here for a reason and I'm thankful for my days here in the Arabian desert.

This is one of my favorite camels. I might bring her home to the States... who knows?
Ok, the camel rides are great!

I shouldn’t have taken this picture, but it is perpetuates my precise perspective concerning the subjectivity of women in this culture.

I have learned much since I arrived in Saudi Arabia. I gained a certain understanding of the people of the Arabian Peninsula; not that I agree with every aspect of their culture, but I have a type of endearment towards my Arabian friends that few can understand. I never thought that I would say this, but I love the people of Saudi Arabia – and that is a paramount reason why I came here.

This picture was taken at a large date farm in O'alnizah Qassim. The date farms here are a refuge from the sands and heat of the Arabian deserts. My favorite thing to do in Saudi Arabia is to walk about in these date trees which grow in long rows. Just beyond the trees you see in the back ground exsist large brown sand dunes.